Why do I need to verify my account?
Global Markets is a strictly regulated financial service. In compliance with international money laundering laws, all accounts registered on our platform must be verified before we can provide services.
How do I verify my account?
To activate your Global Markets Trading accounts, you need to provide three documents – a proof of identity, proof of residency, and proof of payment. Please make sure the documents are:
- Yours (they need to be issued in your name);
- High-quality (clear and visible);
- Not cropped (clearly showing the 4 corners and, if applicable, both sides);
- Valid (not expired).
Proof of Identity
A government-issued ID document with a colored photo (front and back if available):
- Passport;
- National ID;
- Driver’s License;
Proof of Residency
Any official document that includes your full name, physical address and issue date, that is not older than 3 months:
- Utility bills (electricity, water, gas, etc.);
- Tax bill;
- Bank statement
Proof of Payment
Whenever you use a new credit or debit card to deposit funds into your account, you need to submit a copy of the card used for the transaction.
For your privacy and security, you must cover the first 12 digits on the front. The last 4 digits and the CVV (last 3 digits on the back of your card) must remain clearly visible.
Please make sure the documents are:
High-quality (clear and visible)
Full (clearly showing 4 corners)
Valid (not expired)